The Climate is Changing, and so must we.

What if we can accelerate uptake and achieve Drawdown’s 2050 goal, by 2030?

SRI-2030 is an initiative of The Downforce Trust (Registered Charity Number 1187541) to rapidly expand the use of eco-friendly agricultural practices around the world, particularly the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and related methods that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration to combat global warming and climate change while meeting human needs more efficiently and abundantly. The Downforce Trust was established in 2020 to accelerate action to minimise global warming and achieve the imperative transition to Net Zero emissions. By protecting our climate and soils, we protect our homeland and our futures.

SRI-2030 builds on the work of millions of farmers in over 60 countries and more than two decades of research, outreach and extension by hundreds of scientists, international and local NGOs, government personnel, private sector actors, and many other advocates. Since Father Henri de Laulanié synthesised SRI methodology in the 1980s in Madagascar, its theory has been elaborated and its practice extended through the work of SRI-Rice at Cornell University, with which SRI-2030 works closely and collaboratively.

Our Vision

Rice cultivation practices that provide people around the world with a delicious, secure and diverse source of nutrition; while providing farmers with a better livelihood; conserving water, soil and land; and helping with climate mitigation and adaptation.

Our Mission

To increase the current 6.7 million hectares under SRI cultivation to 50 million by 2030. We estimate this will reduce emissions by 8.5 billion tonnes CO2e by 2050 while the one billion tonnes of extra rice, combined with reduced inputs, will generate $1.6 trillion more for farmers by 2050. SRI will help feed the world - with less water, less climate impact and without taking any more land from nature.


Paul Hawken

Paul Hawken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of eight books that have been published in thirty languages in more than fifty countries and have sold more than two million copies. Paul is a renowned lecturer who has keynoted conferences and led workshops on the impact of commerce upon the environment, and has consulted with governments and corporations throughout the world. He has dedicated his life to environmental sustainability and changing the relationship between business and the environment.

Paul is the creator of Project Drawdown, which inspired the initiative SRI-2030. Paul is also the creator of Project Regeneration, a radical new approach to the climate crisis, one that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation through the means of new methodologies such as the System of Rice Intensification.

Meet SRI-2030

Francesco is Program Director for the developing practice of SRI, including the integration with Conservation Agriculture. He also leads for South Asia, MENA and our relationship with agricultural organisations including the FAO.
James is Program Director for climate change science and technology, including carbon credits and remote sensing of rice cultivation impacts.
Alex is Communications Manager for SRI-2030 directing the programme’s media, expanding the impact of our message, and working to build connections with individuals and communities.
Sam Bickersteth
Development Advisor
Sam advises international development organisations on climate change, agriculture, and livelihoods. Sam has 30 years field, headquarters, senior executive and advisory experience in the leadership, design, financing and implementation of research and policy programmes.  He has worked for the UK government, Oxfam, PwC and Oxford University in Africa, Asia and Latin America engaging multiple international stakeholders. He led the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, and is a Christian Aid Board member.
Ranjita Rajan
The Downforce Trust Strategic Advisor
Ranjita Rajan is the granddaughter of Kerala rice farmers, she grew up in Liberia, and began her career in Uganda’s Ministry of Finance. After a spell with McKinsey & Co, Ranjita helped establish the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford. She will be helping The Downforce Trust to achieve its mission of accelerating action on climate change, including SRI-2030.
Adam's 30-year career has encompassed finance, law, industry, and sport; and he has lived and worked in Japan, South Africa, Australia, and Europe. Between 2006 and 2012 he worked for the Williams Formula One team as chief executive and chairman. Adam launched SRI-2030 in 2021 after learning about the opportunity that agriculture offers for climate mitigation and adaptation.

SRI-2030 Advisory Board

Karla is a distinguished figure in Chilean agriculture, holding a PhD in Horticulture & Agronomy from UC Davis, USA, as well as a degree in Agricultural Engineering and a Master's in Horticulture from the University of Talca, Chile. Her expertise has been instrumental in advancing Chilean rice cultivation, particularly through the adaptation of the System of Rice Intensification into the Climate Smart Rice System (CSRS), which eliminates continuous flooding and significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2005, she has spearheaded Chile's National Rice Breeding Programme, resulting in the development of one of the most widely cultivated rice varieties in the country. In recognition of her significant contributions to Chilean agriculture, Karla was honoured with the "Siembra Chile 2023" award by the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture.
Tsimba boasts two decades of experience in SRI, excelling as both a manager and agronomist. His professional journey spans rural development with significant contributions to rural quality of life in Madagascar and spreading information about SRI, globally through events organised by Wageningen University and locally as an educator at Laulanié Green University, where he successfully advocated for SRI to become a central subject. He currently holds the position of General Secretary of the Association Tefy Saina, an organization dedicated to realizing the vision of Father Henri de Laulanié, the originator of SRI, to enhance the quality of life for all.
With over 12 years of experience working across four continents, Kelly now leads the Agriculture Climate Action and Sustainability Program at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture in Costa Rica. Kelly holds master's degrees in Sustainable Development and International Affairs. Kelly focuses on promoting efficient, sustainable, and low- emissions agriculture while identifying and promoting innovations that can benefit producers in the region. Kelly has supported the validation of SRI in several countries.
Abha has over 15 years of experience in research, consulting, and management in agroecology and climate-smart agriculture. Abha is an expert in soil biology, rhizosphere, and their contribution to yield, greenhouse gas mitigation, and regenerative agriculture. Abha has been recognised for her research with several international awards and research grants, including a six-year, €3.4 million EU grant for the greater Mekong River region. The project linked local and global actors to promote sustainable intensification of agriculture, particularly SRI, through agroecology. A member of the Asian Institute of Technology’s Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department, Abha has helped establish agroecology in higher education.
Emily is the founder and director of Bloom Agro, an Indonesian social enterprise that promotes sustainable agriculture and social and economic development. Her innovative approach has helped lift the export ban on rice, making Bloom Agro the first organic and fair-trade rice producer and exporter in Indonesia. With Sunria brand premium, organic and fair-trade rice for the international market, Emily has empowered local farmers and promoted environmentally responsible farming practices. Emily has won multiple awards from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and Presidential Awards for Best Organic Farmer, and Best Farmer for Food Security.
Bancy introduced SRI to Kenya in 2009. Through research, policy advocacy, and outreach activities, she has worked with others to promote SRI as a best practice, leading to its adoption by thousands of farmers and policy support in Kenya's National Rice Development Strategy. Since then, Bancy has embarked on promoting SRI across Africa and is the convener and manager of the SRI-Africa knowledge portal launched in 2018. Bancy has advised many organisations including WFP, FAO, World Bank, IFAD, UNDP, NEPAD, African Union, AGRA, and AfDB; worked for ICRISAT and the International Water Management Institute.